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Basic Employer's Information
Employer's ID  SD039
Views:  4704

View The Employer's Location
Type  Private  Training Center
City  Shouguang,weifang Shandong       
Job name   English Teachers
Qualification Certificate   Have
Basic Qualifications for Application
Gender  Both
Vacancy  2
 Bachelor or above
Specialty  Linguistics/literature,Business,Music
Work Experience
Nationality  Native English speaker,such as British, Canadian, American, Australian, New Zealander and European,etc.
Other Statements
Contract Terms
Salary   7500 - 8500 RMB/M
Time to teach
 6-10 Months
Start Date  Sep.2014
Finish Date
Period/week  24 Period/W
 Oral English
Students' age  3 - 18 years old
Paid Holiday
1 Month/Year
Apartment  Free apartment with the necessary facilities
International Airfare  One-way Medical Allowance  Provide
Telephone Allowance  100 per month Travel Allowance  1000 RMB/Year
Other Allowance
Sample Contract
View Contract:   View Contract Smaple
Contact Information
Contact Person  Angelina's ESL Cafe
 Foreign Affairs Office
Tel No.  +8610-51663658
Fax No.
Brief Introduction about Employer
Requirements on Foreign teacher/expert外籍教师或专家需求信息
Education Background
TESOL/TEFL     College      Bachelor Master
PHD. doctor  
Linguistics/literature语言学/文学Business商务            Music音乐     A-level         
Age limit 年龄限制
20-35   35-50   
Vacancy 需求人数
Working type of the foreign teacher
Full time          
Starting time
2011年8月 AUGUST 2011  
What is the full postal address of the school in Chinese?(So that friends and relatives can write to them at your school)
Can relatives and friends visit the teacher at school? 家属和朋友是否可以拜访?
How many students? 学生人数?
How many teachers? 教师人数?
 Teacher教师: 900   
What age student’s levels? 学生年龄?
How many students each class? 班级大小?
Kid Primary   Middle school 
Students’ English level?学生的英语程度
Which Course foreign teachers are responsible for? 课程设置
Will the school provide the curriculum?
What teaching materials/aids should teachers bring with them?
Would Suggest teachers bring some VCD and teaching material over which can show about your country
They can bring everything they want to help students.
Conditions for the employment of a foreign teacher
How many hours per week?How long per class?(Minutes) 每周多少课时?每节课多长时间(分钟)?
Less than 24    classes/week     
 45    minutes/class in middle school, 40 minutes in primary school
What salary is the teacher to be paid monthly? 外教月工资多少?
5000 -7500 Yuan
Is over time work available? How much per hour/class?
When is the pay date?
The   beginning five    day of next month.
Has the school employed foreign teacher before?学校是否有聘请外籍教师的经验
Is the accommodation "FAO Approved” for foreigners? The floor space? 外教公寓是否符合外专局标准?面积多少平方米?
Yes, more than 50    平方米, Sqm
When will the employment contract be offered the teacher?
After the teacher’s arrival 教师来校后
What is the contract period
Two Semesters 两个学期
If two semesters, can the teacher remain on school premises during holiday period? 若是两学期,假期期间外教可否在学校居住?
During holidays and National Vacations.假期期间学校
Does the teacher get paid the holidays?
How Much? 具体金额
Yes         30          Days
One month salary
When is the teacher to arrive at the school?
      Day August    Month   2011   Year              
Around way or one way?双程还是单程?
When will school reimburse airfare? 学校何时报销外教机票费用?
 Round way往返 
    8000     Yuan具体金额
On the completion of the contract合同结束时
Will the school organise a friendly Bank Account? 学校是否帮助办理银行开户?
Description of the apartment.房间内部具体描述: 
                                                  We will provide lodging,furniture,bedding,tv,computer with internet access, refrigerator,cooking facilities,toilet, shower, heating, cooling, and drinking water.                                                     
Supplied with the accommodation there is? 公寓内所提供的是
Colour TV
(CCTV9) English Channel 英语频道-中央9
A-Z miscellaneous items (bedding, blanket, pillow, towel, sleeper, etc.) basic bedding provided 室内用品:床,地毯,枕头,毛巾,拖鞋
Refrigerator 冰箱                       
Furniture? 全套家具?
Washing Machine 洗衣/烘干设备?
24-hour supply of electricity/hot water/gas? 全天供应电/热水/煤气?
Air Conditioning 空调
All kinds of cooking utilities (plates, glasses, cups, pots, pans)?各式炊具盘子,玻璃杯子,茶杯,锅,平底锅
Microwave/oven 微波炉或烤箱
Wash Machine with dryer 洗衣机,甩干机
Telephone (IDD)电话
Computer with Internet Access 电脑(连接互连网)
Yes Available in the office    
Does the school provide a bicycle? 学校是否提供自行车?
With the accommodation, who pays for? 室内设施费用,有谁来承担?
Water 水费
Phone local 市话费
Long Distance 长途话费
Internet Connection 上网费
Remark 备注:
we will reimburse telephone calls within china up to 100RMB every month
This employment package forwarded to the foreign teacher is a brief summary of what is offered to the teacher by the school in return for his/her services, and thus, is meant to be read as a guide to the provisions offered.



Appendix of Contract
The purpose of this Appendix is to strengthen the relationship of foreign teachers and This School by defining the obligations of each party. The Appendix outlines both teaching requirements and living conditions within our school community.
This School, hereby called Party A, employs     , hereby called Party B, as a foreign English teacher. The two parties voluntarily sign this contract in the spirit of good faith and cooperation. The period of service will take effect on and end on . The salary will be    per month.
学校(甲方)聘请     (乙方)作为外籍英语教师。双方本着友好合作的精神,签署本合同。 合同期自 至   。月薪为元人民币。
Responsibilities of Party B
1.             Party B will work 5 days a week, and will be required to teach 24 class periods(maximum). The schedule will include English lessons for both students and Chinese teachers if necessary. The school reserves the right to adjust the teaching schedule at its discretion. There may be temporary special scheduling requiring more or less days and/or classes within an individual week. No adjustment to monthly salary will be made for these temporary scheduling conditions. Party B may be required to provide Party A with outlines or lesson plans for his/her classes in a format defined by Party A.
乙方每周工作五天, 每周最多授课24节,包括为学生及中国教师授课。授课包括学生及英语教师的口语课程。学校保留根据需要调整授课计划的权力。在特定的时间,学校可能会对某一周课程进行临时调整, 乙方可能增多或减少相应的工作日或课程。当月的月工资不会因临时的时间调动而调整。乙方应根据甲方规定的格式向甲方递交相应的工作计划或备课。
2.             Party B is not permitted to give lectures in other schools or take part in other school activities during the term of this contract unless he/she receives the approval of Party A. Any violation will provide cause to terminate this contract.
3.             Party B is not allowed to talk to the press or other media about This School without the approval of Party A. Party B is not allowed to provide Part A’s work materials to individuals and organizations which are not part of the school.
4.             Party A will reimburse Party B’s telephone calls within China of up to 100 RMB in any month, which is exclusive to the telephone installed by the school.
5.             Party B will carry out his/her duties as indicated on the schedule provided by Party A. Any adjustments to the schedule not initiated by Party A must be approved by Party A. Party B cannot arrange for other teachers to substitute for him or her without the prior approval of Party A. If Party B is late for class (within 10 minutes after scheduled start time) or absent from class (late for class over ten minutes after scheduled start time shall be also regarded as absent) there will be a proportionate pay adjustment. The late for class adjustment is 50% of the full salary for that class. The absent from class adjustment is 150% of the full salary of that class.
乙方须按规定完成工作任务,不得随意调课。特殊情况的调课必须经甲方同意。乙方不得擅自请人代课,如确实需要, 必须征得甲方同意。如乙方上课迟到(晚于规定时间10分钟以内)或无故旷课(迟到超过上课时间10分钟同样视为旷课), 甲方有权扣除乙方相应的工资。迟到将扣除该节课课时工资的一半, 无故旷课将扣除该节课课时工资的150%。
7.      If Party B cannot perform classroom duties as a result of illness, Party A will be notified as far in advance as possible. Party B may have one-day sick leave every month with the permission of Party A since arrangements of classes shall be made. If sick leave exceeds the above permission, and arrangements can not be made to make up the missed classes prior to the month’s salary payment, 100% of equivalent payment for missed work days (one day payment is 1/30 of monthly payment), will be deducted from Part B’s salary. If continuous sick leave exceeds 30 days, Party A has the right to terminate this contract. If the illness is not the result of pre-existing health conditions, Party A will reimburse transportation costs for Party A to return home. Party A reserves the right to have Party B examined by Party A’s physician prior to making the reimbursement.
如因身体疾病不能上课,乙方应尽早通知甲方。在甲方同意且能做出课程调整的前提下,乙方每月可以有一天带薪病假。如乙方实际病假天数超过本规定,且无法在当月工资发放前补齐课时, 甲方将根据乙方因生病而耽误的天数扣除相应工资(日工资为月工资的1/30)。乙方连续病假超过30天的,甲方有权终止本合同。如属来校后患上的疾病,甲方报销乙方回国旅费。甲方保留在报销旅费前请甲方医生检查乙方身体的权利。
8               If Party B is absent from classes due to personal affairs, 100% salary of the missed classes will be deducted on per class basis.
9.      If Party B is away from the school overnight, Part A must be notified by email in advance. Party B is not allowed to have overnight guests without the prior approval of Party A (including family or friends).
乙方通宵外出,必须提前通知甲方。未获得甲方允许, 乙方不得留宿家人或朋友。
10       Party B is personally responsible for the payment of all medical expenses or insurance premiums.
11       To ensure his/her safety and the rights of others to peaceful rest, Party B is advised to return to the school by 23:00. If there are special situations, for instance, return late than 23:00 or overnight travel that Party B has to accommodate outside the school, Party A should be notified, so the security personnel can be advised.
为保证外籍教师个人人身安全,不影响他人正常休息,乙方晚上外出返回住所时间不得超过23:00。如遇特殊情况, 如晚于23:00返校或外出旅游需在外住宿的,乙方应通知甲方, 以便联系甲方安全部门。
12       Party B is responsible for the payment of all personal income tax in accordance with the Income Tax Law of the People’s Republic of China. Party A will help Party B with any required income tax filing.
Responsibilities of Party A
1.             The Foreign Affairs Office is the management unit for foreign teachers. With respects to teaching assignments and the teaching process, the day to day contact will be the Teaching Units responsible for the grade(s) and classes assigned to Party B.
2.             Party A and Party B’s signing of contract issued by National Bureau of Foreign Experts and its appendix is the final acceptance of Party B as an employee of the This School.
3.             At the beginning of Party B’s teaching, he/she will be assigned a teacher to help with the curriculum, lesson plans, and classroom issues. An assistant teacher is assigned to Party B as his/her coordinator with the teaching units on schedule adjustments and other notifications.
4.             Party A will be responsible for evaluating Party B during the contract period in order to help improve the effectiveness of Part B. If Party A is dissatisfied with Party B’s performance, Party A will provide a written report and a plan for improvement. Party B is responsible for adhering to the self-improvement plan. A lack of adherence to the plan may cause termination of this contract by Party A.
5.             Party A will provide the necessary living arrangements for Party B. This will include: lodging, furniture, bedding, TV, computer with internet access, refrigerator, cooking facilities, toilet, shower, heating, cooling, and drinking water. Party A will pay all reasonable power and electric costs. For instance, air-conditioner is advised to be turned on when room temperature exceeds 26 Celsius Degrees.) In the interest of our environment, Party B is requested to make every effort to conserve power and water. Party A has the right to check Party B’s accommodations without prior notice every month and extend formal suggestion about Party’s.
甲方为乙方提供必要的生活设施。乙方享有的基本生活设施包括: 住房, 家具,寝具,电视机,电脑,网线,电冰箱,厨房设备,卫生间,淋浴设备,保暖和降温设施及饮用水。甲方为乙方支付合理使用的电费。例如,建议乙方在室温超过26摄氏度时使用空调。为了保护环境, 乙方应节约水电。甲方有权对乙方住所进行无事前通知的抽查。
6.             Party A will pay Party B monthly on or before the 5th workday of the next month. The salary will be paid in RMB from the start date of this contract until its expiration. If the time is shorter than a full month, salary will be prorated with a daily wage of 1/30th the full monthly salary regardless of the actual days in the month.
7.             After this contract is completed, Party A will reimburse Party B’s round trip flight tickets within 6000 Yuan RMB to cover possible flight expenses.
8.             Party A will assist Party B in obtaining temporary living permission, working permit, and foreign expert certificate. All expenses will be paid by Party A. If Party B is found not suitable for his/her teaching position after a one month probationary period, Party A will pay the one-way fare for Party B to return
甲方将协助乙方获得居留许可,工作签证以及外国专家证。甲方负责承担相关费用。若在一个月试用期后证明乙方不符合甲方的教学要求, 甲方将为乙方购买返程单程机票,送乙方回国。
9.             At the successful completion of the contract, Party A will provide a 1,000 RMB travel allowance. This is not a reimbursement, and Party B is free to utilize it however he/she decides.
Other Matters
1.             If Party B does not complete the contract for conditions other than mentioned above, Party A will cancel all work permits taken out by the school and will not be responsible for any travel reimbursements.
如乙方不按照如上约定按时完成合同, 甲方有权取消所有由学校获取的工作许可, 并且不报销乙方任何来华或返程旅费。
2.             Party B is responsible for all living, teaching, and computer materials furnished for his/her use. These are the property of the school and need to be returned at the end of the contract. Party B is responsible for paying Party A the cost of any abnormal wear on the materials or repaying the school for damaged equipment. These monies can be subtracted from Party B’s final salary.
3.             The employed party is entitled to the following holidays and festivals:
New Year’s Day, Spring Festival, Mayday, National Day and other holidays stipulated by laws and regulations and the day on Christmas Day (December 25th).
However, the particular holiday may be changed or adjusted to another day due to the administrative arrangement. During the period of this contract, Party B will have four weeks paid holiday during the Spring Festival.
4.              During the contract, the employed party agreed that any travel away from school is solely the responsibility of the employed party. If the employed party leaves the school, he shall observe the laws, decrees, and relevant regulations enacted by the Chinese government and will not interfere with internal affairs. Even if the employed party has observed all laws and regulations, school has no responsibility for any injury, loss of property, accidents or other financial obligations.
5.             This appendix will be part of the contract made by the National Bureau of Foreign Experts and shall be signed at the same time and place, in duplicated copies and both in Chinese and English also. Both these two versions of appendix of the contract are as valid as the contract.
6.             All of Party A’s responsibilities under this contract begin on the “service will take effect” date and stop on the “end on” date in this Appendix of Contract. If this contract is terminated prior to the “end on” date, all responsibilities will end on the earlier termination date.
Party A (stamp):                                Party B (signature):
甲方(盖章):                                 乙方(签字)
Date:                                          Date:

   If you are interested, please send your Necessary Documents such as resume,copies of degrees, passport and general photos to E-mail:


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