Thanks for Mr.James Allen for all Job seekers.
We have re-scanned the documents and labeled the pictures in procedural order:
1. Make a (black and white) photocopy of the original document.
2. Have the photocopy notarized (identification must be shown to the Notary Public.)
3. Have the two aforementioned documents (copy of original) and notarization form certified by the Secretary of State in the state
in which you reside.
4. Submit the three previous documents to the Chinese Consulate that serves your area for Consular Authentication.
In addition to the Chinese Embassy/Consulate website (for U.S. missions), another great website that is very useful to those who have
never applied for a Chinese Z-visa before is found at [ ]. This website does a nice job of laying out the
procedures necessary to obtain a work permit and subsequent visa, as well as providing a link to the Visa Application form
[ ].Furthermore, this website has a fantastic explanation about how to fill out *each* box on
the visa application and that can be accessed here [ ].
If you are still not clear about how to apply the visa to China, Visarite is a service company that I have used in the past with good results, but for those in the Chinese Consulate Los Angeles district, I am very fond of Able Tours and Co. (a Chinese-run company that does tours and visa handling.) The bonus here is that they are on the same floor as the Consular Visa center, thus making the delivery and pick-up of documents to/from the Consulate very easy and efficient... hence, fast. They have a very nice staff, as well.
Their website is: [ ].If you have any foreign teachers who are clueless as to the procedures, how to fill out the visa application form, or who to contact for help (in the Southern California/Nevada/Arizona area), this information might prove to be quite useful to them.

[此贴子已经被作者于2016/1/28 18:03:50编辑过]