主题最新回顾(发布时间:2007/6/13 17:08:30) |
-- 作者:admin
-- 来自网络对此文章外籍人士评论:(仅翻译、转述,但并不代表我们同意其观点) 这是一篇非常有趣的文章.它提出了一些关于中国现在聘用外教的一些 原文: This ariticle was very interesting and makes valid points that the standards used to select foreign English teachers in China is low at this point and thought should be given to raising those standards so that Chinese lenaguage institutions can hire more qualified teachers. But I must take exception to Niu Qiang's , Changchun University, comments. Her comments about the reputation of the male teachers appears to be based on very limited exposure. All she really needs to do is go to the handful of restaurants or bars that foreigners in Changchun tend to go to and find the place swarming with young women who are there to make "friends" with their foreign friends. I have even been offered money to marry not once but three times. I have also witnessed how some Chinese women use cultural differences and language limitations to make the lives of western men who for whatever reason, choose not to be with them any more a living hell. In my over ten years in China as an English teacher, I have also seen how some Chinese men court western girls and then use culture differences and language limitations to leave them as well. What it boils down to, in my opinion, this particular concern of Niu Qiang has nothing whatsoever to do with the performance or ability of a teacher. To use that as a reason to improve the hiring standard of English teachers is ridiculous. As the American Embassy website warns about contractual obligations and ways in which foreigners can get screwed in China, maybe they should also include information on how to not date people from China since this seems to corrupt the morals of Chinese women. |
主题最新回顾(发布时间:2007/6/11 7:51:22) |
-- 作者:admin
-- 生活和学习 艾米毕业于教育学专业,毕业后不久,她就离开了路易斯安娜来到中国 她来中国的动机非常简单:想要生活在一个拥有悠久历史和强大经济的 现在在北京泰福双语国际幼儿园任教的杰森说:“我认为一个老外在中国最容易得到的工作可能就是外教了 在中国这样一个对外教具有巨大需求量的国家里,每个老外即使是没有 然而,政府现在正在鼓励从出租车司机到政府官员的每个人学习英语从 虽然没有确切的数据,但是许多报道都声称现在在中国已经有数千名外 许多评论家说大部分的外教对于自己的工作是专注的 吉林省长春大学英语系的客座教授牛强(音)说:“他们来中国的目的不是教 他们来中国究竟是为了什么?他们是不是为了教学而来中国? 牛说,一般说来,这些外籍教师们要么是非常年轻又缺乏教学经验 他说:“他们总是给中国的年轻人们以负面影响,特别是在上海和北京 同时,牛还说,由于现在中国对外教的需求量还非常大 一般说来,教学经验并不是必须的,但是大部分学校还是要求要有学士 另外,一些经过短期英语培训获得TEFL证书的外籍教师们可能会要 一些提供工作的网站列出了全国许多空缺的职位。覆盖范围之广 国家外专局文化教育专家部部长杨长菊(音)说,外专局和教育局正在联合筹 杨还说由于中国如此之大,各个地区的需求也不尽相同 Sara Moss,一个拥有英语学位的24岁的美国人,从两个朋友那得知在 她现在的工作不同于前两年在湖北宜昌三峡大学的经历 “我非常遗憾自己没有进行过这种培训,现在我认为对于一个外籍教师来 为了使自己的课堂具有趣味性,她现在正和她的学生一起试着做一些临 那些仅仅因为自己是英语母语国家的人而获得工作的不合格外籍教师被 Moss说:“我曾经遇到过许多非常糟糕的外籍教师 北京安吉丽娜文化交流公司,是一个很大的私营外教招聘公司 唐说:“每年许多中国的学校都需要外教,由于大部分的外教都只签半 北京外国语大学英语和国际交流研究院的副院长吴庆(音)认为 然而,她认为现在的主要问题是包括出租车司机和年轻学生在内的太多 同时她也以她自己的大学填鸭试的英语教学方式为例,谈到: 如此繁荣的外教市场吸引了众多的人们参与其中,这些人利用爆发的需 美国大使馆收到了许多在中国教学的外籍教师的投诉 在大使馆的官方网站上我们可以看到,多数美国人享受着他们在中国的 对于杰森来说,她在哈尔滨的第一份工作给她带来了一些意外的创伤。 她说:“公司承诺他们将为我准备必要的授课材料,他们没有兑现 然而,后来遇到的事情更使得她不堪一击。 她的房东在她度假时私自闯入了她的公寓,并且告知她的老板她损坏了 “老板没有跟我们商量这件事情,只是扣除我的工资给了房东 ---------Kelly Wang 王慧贤 英语专业八级 现任职于 中国外教网-安吉丽娜国际猎头公司 国际联络部 [此贴子已经被作者于2009-11-11 11:37:45编辑过]
主题最新回顾(发布时间:2007/6/7 14:16:40) | ||||||
-- 作者:admin
-- Live & Learn 中国日报原文位置:2007年06月06日第18版
中国日报网络刊载位置: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2007-06/06/content_887953.htm 新华社官方网络转载: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2007-06/06/content_6204464_1.htm 中国汉语网转载位置: http://www.linese.com/cc/20401030000000000,506.html Live & Learn Soon after Amy Johnson graduated with a degree in education, she left Louisiana to teach English in a small town in Harbin, in Northeast China's Heilongjiang Province. It seemed like a good way to use her degree, live in a foreign country and make a living at the same time. Her motivation to settle in China was simple: live in a rich culture with an ancient history and strong economy. But while the 24-year-old's degree gave her an edge in the classroom, this isn't necessarily the case for the endless stream of foreigners flocking to China as English teachers.
"I think it's probably the easiest job for a foreigner to get, especially since everyone in Beijing is trying to learn English with the Olympics coming," said Johnson, who now teaches at Telford Bilingual and International Kindergarten in Beijing. "Even if I quit my job today, I think I could find another job at the end of the day." The wide availability of jobs across China usually means that anyone - even those without teaching experience, training or a degree in a related field - could find a school or recruiter to make them an offer. Consequently, some foreign language experts and observers believe the industry is in critical need of government intervention to impose a minimum standard for foreign English teachers. The goal, they say, is to revamp the qualification process so that foreigners aren't hired solely because they're native English speakers. However, the government is now encouraging everyone from taxi drivers to government officials to take English lessons in preparation for the estimated 500,000 foreigners expected to arrive in Beijing for next year's Olympic Games. But such official nudging isn't necessary to push the millions of Chinese students now paying exorbitant fees to learn English, usually in hopes of winning high-paying jobs with international firms. There are no reliable statistics, but some published reports put the number of foreign teachers across China in the thousands. Most come from the United States, Canada, Britain and Australia. Critics say most teachers are dedicated, career-oriented and experienced, but the growing industry could become disreputable unless it's standardized. And English teachers have become the subject of hot debate on websites and blogs and among college instructors and Chinese students. "They come to China for something else, not to teach," said Niu Qiang, a visiting professor of the English Department at Changchun University in Jilin Province, who has written about the lack of standards for foreign teachers. "We should rule out or scrutinize those unqualified teachers." So, what do they come for, if it's not for teaching? Niu said teachers are often too young and inexperienced, or they're retirees looking for an easy time in China. And she also dislikes the reputations of many male foreign teachers outside of the classroom.
"They're not influencing young people in a good way - especially in Shanghai and Beijing," she said. "They have very loose lifestyles with females all the time. They frequently change girlfriends, and it's not good for China, socially." At the same time, Niu said that schools in China aren't yet in a position to pick and choose among applicants, because there's such a huge demand. Teachers could find jobs in a variety of private and public schools from the elementary to college levels. Experience is not always a requirement, but most ask for a bachelor's degree and offer higher salaries to experienced teachers. In addition, those who sit through a short-term Teaching English as a Second Language (TEFL) course can demand higher wages, while the best-paid work at international schools in major cities. Many job websites list dozens of positions across the country. They include pitches such as this from a Nanning school: "You must be available immediately (yesterday is better!)." The job offered 4,500 to 5,500 yuan ($584-714) a month and "a generous travel allowance" along with "balmy tropical setting". Yang Changju, director of the cultural and educational experts department at the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, said that the administration is working with the Ministry of Education to develop a qualification system for foreign language teachers in China to better regulate the market. No timetable was available. Yang also said the qualification standard may vary from region to region, because China is so large, and demand varies from region to region. Sara Moss, 24, who graduated with an English degree in the United States, came to China to teach after learning about job opportunities from two friends. Her current job differs from her experience in Hubei, where she worked for the Three Gorges University in Yichang for two years. As an English major, she felt adequately prepared to teach in China, but she realized soon after she arrived that ESL instructional training would have been useful. "I kind of regret not doing it, because I think it's kind of helpful to know how to teach ESL before you come here," she said. "It's not something where you just walk into a class and start teaching." She has learned to improvise with her students to keep things interesting and enjoys her job. Stories about unqualified teachers who got jobs solely because they were native English speakers haven't eluded her. At her first job, a foreign colleague was fired, because he used class time to chat with students, didn't prepare materials, started class late and dismissed students an hour early, she said. "I've met plenty of those people who are terrible teachers," Moss said. "If you're teaching at a university, you get a free place to stay and a free air ticket. And now, the universities are realizing that just because you speak English doesn't mean you can teach." Wu Qing, the vice-dean at the School of English and International Studies at Beijing Foreign Studies University, said it's only a matter of time before the process is standardized. However, she felt that the main problem today is that too many Chinese are being pushed to learn English for one kind of qualification or another, including taxi drivers and very young students. She believes this trend should be reexamined. She said there's a need to learn English, but it should be done in the proper setting and context. "It's a kind of a waste of resources," she said, adding that her own university goes beyond pushing students just to cram. "It's not language alone; we also stress culture, and we need to understand the values of the English-speaking community in order to understand the culture."
The booming market has attracted its share of shady characters who use the exploding demand to lure foreigners to China only to win fees from schools. The US embassy has heard from many teachers who arrived in China only to encounter problems with employers involving payment and other benefits. "Many Americans have enjoyed their teaching experiences in China; others have encountered significant problems," the embassy said on its website. "Unfortunately, some American citizens travel to China under a contract with promises of a good salary, bonuses and other perks only to find themselves in difficult situations, often lacking funds to return to the United States." For Johnson, her first job provided some unexpected bumps along the way that she wasn't ready to handle in Harbin. "I was told by the company that they would be providing materials, but they didn't, and they also said they would be providing training, but they didn't. So, we were kind of lied to," she said. But a separate incident provided the last straw. Her landlord entered her apartment when she was on vacation and reported to her boss that some things were damaged or broken. Her boss, without consulting her or hearing her side of the story, deducted about $200 from her salary. That scared her away from the school. "We left, because he didn't talk to us about it, he just gave him (the landlord) the money. We felt it was not right," she said. "When you live here long enough, you learn some bad things can happen. You're careful to look out for those things. You kind of always have to be on your toes and pay attention to things." Zhu Zhe contributed to the story (China Daily 06/06/2007 page18) [此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-27 19:23:30编辑过]