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Job's Information

Basic Employer's Information
Employer's ID  SX065
Views:  6585

View The Employer's Location
Type  Public  College
City  Changzhi Shanxi       
Job name   English Teachers
Qualification Certificate   Have
Basic Qualifications for Application
Gender  Both
Vacancy  3
 Bachelor or above
Specialty  Linguistics or Education
Work Experience
 TEFL/TESOL and 2 years+
Nationality  Native English speaker,such as British, Canadian, American, Australian, New Zealander and European,etc.
Other Statements
Contract Terms
Salary   5500 - 6000 RMB/M
Time to teach
 6-10 Months
Start Date  Nov.2014
Finish Date
Period/week  14-16 Period/W
 Oral English
Students' age  15 - 18 years old
Paid Holiday
2-3 Month/Year
Apartment  Free apartment with the necessary facilities
International Airfare  Roundtrip Medical Allowance  Provide
Telephone Allowance  Free in local City Travel Allowance  2200 RMB/Year
Other Allowance

Airfare reimbursement is 7000RMB for full year contract.

Sample Contract
View Contract:   
Contact Information
Contact Person  Angelina's ESL Cafe
 Foreign Affairs Office
Tel No.  +8610-51663658
Fax No.
Brief Introduction about Employer

                                                   Specific School Details

Can friends and relatives visit the teacher at the school
家属朋友是否可拜访?  Yes 
                                       □ No
What is the size of the school in Area?How many buildings at the school?
学校面积?几栋教学楼? Area占地:  777.80亩           
Building教学楼:    12           
What is the name of the nearest large city?
距学校最近的城市? City:城市:     Taiyuan           
Population人口:  300  Million万
Distance between cities:      200KM         
Is the school located in the downtown area?
学校是否坐落在市中心? Yes 是 
                                   □No  ___ minutes away by bus  不是,坐公交XX分钟。
Temperature City range
城市温度范围? Summer夏天          C ——            C
                             Winter冬天           C ——             C(冬暖夏凉)
How many students are at the school? 学生人数?     10000      人
How many teachers at the school? 教师人数?           人
What level of Institution is the school?
学校教学层次?  □Kindergarten  □Primary  □Middle school  □High school
                              College □University □Adults
How many students per class (on average)?
 班级大小? □4-10人  □15-20人   □20-35人  Over 35
What is the Students English level?
学生的英语程度? □Beginner   □Basic基础   □Intermediate中级  Advanced高级
Will the school provide the teaching curriculum?
学校是否提供教材?    Yes   □ No
What Course is the foreign teacher expected to teach? 
课程设置? □Oral口语 □Reading阅读□Written写作□Conversation会话         □Grammar语法 □Listening听力□English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Programs □IELTS雅思, and TOEFL  托福 □Business English
 □ Chemistry化学  □Math数学 □ Physics物理  □ Biology生物
What teaching materials/aids should teachers bring with them to China and the school?
希望外教带哪些教学材料? 提高学生兴趣的口语教学书籍

超市 Yes  □No Theatres
电影院 Yes  □No
餐馆 Yes  □No Library (English)
图书馆(英语书刊) □Yes  □No

Infirmary医务室 Yes  □No Gymnasium for use by teachers
体育场或健身房 Yes  □No
Cafe 咖啡
Western Restaurants and food available? Yes  □No Dining Room for teachers
教师餐厅 Yes  □No

Night Club/Disco
酒吧、迪厅 Yes  □No Train station火车站
Bus Station汽车站 Yes □ No

In an emergency, how far is it to the best medical facilities?
遇突发事件,距离最近医院(医务室)多远? __1______Minutes分钟  walk
Are the Medical Facilities available?
医疗设备是否齐全? □Yes  □No

   If you are interested, please send your Necessary Documents such as resume,copies of degrees, passport and general photos to E-mail:


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